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The Sumatran Rhino has only six populations, distributed in three islands near Indonesia, including Borneo, Sumatra and the Maylay Peninsula. They have long, shaggy hair that is reddish-brown. There are only 275 animals left in the wild. They are threatened mainly by deforestation and by poachers, who sell the horns.
The Tapir is threatened by habitat destruction and localized hunting. Tapirs only have one baby in their whole life. Young offspring spend up two years with its mother.
The Sugar Glider is native to eastern and northern mainland Australia. It is a small gliding possum (its body is 5-6 inches long) found in forests with eucalyptus trees. They sleep in their nests during the day and are active at night when they hunt for insects. They eat the sweet sap of eucalyptus, acacia and gum trees. Around the world, the sugar glider is a popular domestic pet.
Koalas are often called ‘’Koala bears’’. It is not a bear at all! It is a marsupial, a type of mammal that carries its babies in a pouch. Koala’s main source of food are eucalyptus leaves. The baby koala, called ‘’joey’’, is born blind and hairless, and is the size of a jellybean. Koalas can live as long as 17 years.
The Amur Leopard is a rare leopard. It lives only in the snowy northern forests of Russia. In Korea and northern China is now extinct. In 2007 there were only 14-20 adult Amur leopards and 5-6 cubs. The danger is caused by road building and encroaching civilization, poaching (illegal hunting) and global climate change
There are two gorillas native to West Africa: the western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), and the Cross River gorilla (Gorilla diehli). Both are critically endangered. The causes of their lack are illegal commercial, hunting by poachers, who sell gorillas for food in West African markets. But the largest killer of gorillas is the incurable ebola virus.
The Leatherback Sea Turtle is the Earth’s biggest turtle. They live in almost all the world's oceans. The Leatherback is also critically endangered. In the last years a lot of them disappear. The Leatherback’s problems include theft of their eggs by humans, illegal hunting and nesting-habitat loss due to global climate change and other problems.
There are four subspecies of tigers: Caspian, Javan, Balinese, and South China. These tigers are endangered animals. All of these tigers live in different parts of Asia. The main thread is illegal hunt and the selling of their bones, skins, eyes and other body parts in China and Vietnam.
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